Coming Out

Woo Hoo! I’ve gone International!
I was invited to be a Guest Blogger on the US Website … Raw Writing for the Real World of Bipolar.

My Blog titled COMING OUT BIPOLAR focuses on breaking down the stigma of mental illness and how I’ve become Brave enough to COME OUT!

Here’s an excerpt:-

“Bipolar Disorder
has affected my life dramatically. For each episode, I had to take months off work to recuperate. My illness was extremely traumatic for my family especially when I became abusive, irrational and manic. I was hospitalised for over a month at a time for each episode, disrupting family life, putting pressure on relationships.

When I accepted my diagnosis and took responsibility for my health and well-being, I became well.

No one has blatantly stigmatised me because of Bipolar Disorder. It’s been much more subtle ─ the bewildered expressions, the awkward silences, the non-replies to emails.

At first, I only revealed my illness to friends, family and some work colleagues. Except when I was manic, then I blurted my illness from the roof tops shouting to the world, but regretting it later

My own self-stigma or shame has kept me silent for too long. Now four years on from my first diagnosis, I’ve decided to be more open about my illness to the general public.

Read the full Blog … Visit

What did you think?
Help me tear down the walls of misconception about Mental Illness … It’s like any other illness … It can be treated and cured!

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10 comments to Coming Out

  • Pete

    Hi Karen. Just finished reading the full BLOG at RAW. I now have a better understanding of what it means to be Bipolar. Thanx for Coming Out!

  • Great article, Karen. I’m so proud of you for being at a place where you’re more comfortable within yourself. It’s an incredibly selfless thing you’re doing – putting yourself out there in order to break down stigma and make people more aware. And I know that others who are hiding will come out and be embraced because of what you’re doing.

    I worked in child and youth mental health for many years, so your journey is particularly close to my heart. Keep being positive and inspiring people – go girl!

  • Sue Bond

    On ya, Karen! You’re doing great work.

  • Karen, you are proof positive that great things can come from our hardest times. You have really turned this time in your life into something useful and good by being brave enough to be honest. We really need people like you in the world to light the way for others. You’re a spiritual warrior, my friend!

  • Hi Nicole, I’m just an ordinary woman with an honest message, that’s it! … If I can help someone along the way, that’s a bonus.

  • Joanna Gaudry

    Great article, Karen. I think you take a very sensible approach to your treatment and to looking after your health. Well done. Bye for now, Joanna :))

  • I think you will help many people by what you are doing Karen. The way you are going online you won’t even need that book deal! As a family member of someone who suffers from Bipolar I know how hard it is for families as well. xx

  • I’m so glad I’ve had the opportunity to support Beyond Blue and write Blogs about Bipolar.
    Writing is my First Love and I’ll continue with my Quest to get Me and Her Published.
    Watch this Space!!

  • This is so very exciting! Anything we can do to break down the stigma and encourage better mental health is excellent!

  • Hi, Lovely to Discover your comments here this Morning. My book has an important Message about Recovery and Wellness. Cheers, Karen :))

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